Even after 75 years of independence we are following the system of education devised by Macaulay. Countless are the Bharatiya streams of knowledge that have vanished completely due to lost identity of the sons of the soil.
Many knowledge streams have been enfeebled and exist only partially. Rest of them have lost their original forms. Lack of an efficient system of education and hostile environment is the root cause for this problem. There is no place in Bharat to study many Bharatiya knowledge streams! Few are taught, but not in entirety. Authentic and original texts are not studied in many cases; instead, their adaptations and modifications are studied.
Bharatiya fields of knowledge are complete when they are studied together, not in isolation; but the facility to learn them together under one roof is not available anywhere. Bharatiya culture and civilization, knowledge and art forms have a scientific foundation; but their systematic and in-depth research is not undertaken.
Present day scholars of shastras are not well-versed with modern day language, technology and science. Current system of education is not instilling knowledge and pride about Bharatiyata in modern day graduates.
Today‘s institutions impart education, but they don‘t have plans to instil allegiance. Learned people sans loyalty may not just be deadwoods, they may also become onerous and problematic!