VVV aims to preserve and promote the glorious traditions of Bharata, for the future generations
An initiation by,
Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Raghaveshwara Bharati Swamiji, Sri RamachandrapuraMatha
If all the Bharatiyas become Bharatiyas in the true sense, the whole universe will be Bharata
Admissions open for Academic Year 2025 – 2026
Application Form :
- Takshashila University, which was endowed with many superior qualities, was destroyed due to relentless attacks by the outsiders.
- In the past fifteen centuries, leave alone such an institution, even such a notion was not born.
- The main motivation behind the establishment of Vishnugupta Vishwa Vidyapeetham is the reclaiming the lost Takshashila, in our country during our life time.
- This is the reason why VVV is named after Chanakya, the greatest guru of Takshashila.